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    Workers Compensation Insurance

    Workers comp was established many years ago as a benefit-type system that safeguards any worker hurt or injured while on the job. The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and the Division of Workers Compensation administers the day-to-day operation of the system.Workers compensation insurance provides coverage for an employee who has suffereed an injury or illness from job-related duties. Coverage includes medical amd rehabilitation costs and lost wages for employees injured on the job.

    Prior to the establishment of workers compensation insurance, employees who got hurt of injured on the job could only pursue their employer for compensation through civil or tort law. Workman compensation insurance allows businesses to provide benefits to sick or injured or employees while protecting themselves from high dollar lawsuits. There are some specific federal laws that allow certain types of protection to specific types and classes of workers.

    1. The Jones Act provides military personnel the chance to seek benefits called "cure and maintenance" when a worker is injured as a direct result of negligence by the employer while working on any type of U.S. vessels;

    2. The Federal Employment Liability Act (FELA) holds railroad employers liable for employees' injuries resulting from the railroad's negligent actions.

    3. The Longshore and Harbor Worker's Compensation Act (LHWCA) gives workers comp benefits to particular types of private naval employers.

    4. The Black Lung Benefits Act provides compensation for miners who may be suffering from "black lung" disease (pneumoconiosis).

    Employee Wage Protection. From a worker's standpoint, worker's compensation provides at least some level of protection in the event they suffer a job-related accident or illness. In most states, worker's compensation insurance will pay a disabled employee approximately 50% of their lost wages for a set number of weeks, generally not to exceed six months, which is when social security disability benefits would kick in.

    Medical Compensation. Benefits are regulated by each individual state, but other possible benefits range from payment of medical bills to a financial award or settlement for either a partial disability (i.e. loss of one hand, limb or eye) or a permanent disability, such as blindness.

    Why do you need workers' compensation insurance?

    Without adequate coverage the employer is exposed to two types of risks. First , if an employee is injured on the job, the employer may be held personally liable for both the cost of their medical care and for lost wages while the employee is unable to work. Second, many states imposes strict fines and penalties for employers who are cited for not having the required insurance.

    Workers compensation insurance is required by law in most states .

    Do you know that the state of Florida requires all employers with four or more employees (1 or moe if in the construction industry) to obtain and maintain workers' compensation insurance for on -the-job injuries?

    Failure to provide this would make you company subject to an immediate stop-work order and may face a penalty of 1.5 times the amount the employer would have paid in insurance premiums for the uninsured period.

    Need Workers Compensation Insurance?

    We have teamed with one of the largest insurance agency - The Hartford as well as other agencies to provide workers compensation insurance for your employees . Premiums are calcualated based on your payroll for accuracy and timely deposits made. Rather than paying for insurance up to a year in advance and tying up vital cash, premiums are paid as you go one payroll period at a time! The insurance premium you pay depends on your employees job description i.e administrative, delivery person , construction etc